You might have gone through the workout routines of a lot of people. If you are a fitness freak and want to maintain a physique similar to some of the popular people then you must go through Bradley Cooper‘s workout routine and diet plan. You can surely get a very good diet.

Bradley Charles Cooper, born January 5, 1975, is an American actor and filmmaker. He has done blockbusters like The Hangover (2009), Limitless (2011), Silver Linings Playbook (2012), American Hustle (2013), The Place Beyond the Pines (2013), American Sniper (2014) A Star is Born (2018) and many more.

Bradley Cooper Fitness Routine

Statistics of Bradley cooper

  • Height: 6’1
  • Weight: 185 lbs
  • Age: 42

Bradley Cooper Workout Routine and Diet Plan

If you follow Bradley cooper then you might be aware of the fact that Bradley cooper resembles the younger Brad Pitt. But you can also say that the height of Bradley Cooper is similar to Charlie Hunnam and Stephen Amell.

Let us look at the lifestyle and workout routines of this amazing personality Bradley cooper. We will also have a look at the diet and nutrition and then we will see the workout plan.

The Bradley cooper has been one of the most admired celebrities who have gained great transformation in the physique. It is known that if you want to make any transformations, then it won’t be done over time or at the last moment. It needs efforts and great zeal to accomplish what you desire. Also, you don’t need to go to extreme methods; you can follow the healthy ways.

Celebrity training:

Now a celebrity is a person who is admired and to up to whom a lot of person looks. So, the celebrity has to look good and maintain a diet routine for him so that his body looks worth admiration. Now if you think of gaining weight in 12 weeks then the celebrities have to do it in 6 weeks. But you can surely take as much time you want.

Bradley cooper never followed the same rituals as others do. Because everybody has a different body and not all can follow the same routine to get the body they desire. Now, everybody has a different body and it gains and losses in a different way. Now, if your body gains too much then to lose your body will have a backlash and if it loses, to gain you will have a backlash. Now, you need to make a balance only then your body will transform in the way and time you want.

Body transformation of Bradley Cooper

Bradley cooper trainer says that he was hired to give a good pack of muscles onto his six feet two-body and he was given weeks to get that transformed. His trainer did not give him any creatine or steroids. He neither gave him a single piece of red meat nor did he give him any growth hormone.  

The protein he consumed was about 25-30 g per diet and the workouts were for 30-45 minutes.  You don’t need to fill yourself up with supplements or spend a number of hours in the gym. You don’t need to have chicken breasts, tilapia to burn out your fats. It is important that you take proteins, supplements and do exercise, but all this shows up only with the magi of metabolism that works inside your body. You need to pump yourself up but also work with your body.

Heavy workouts might not always have a good impact. Also, it is believed that the body achieves what the mind believes. So you need to strengthen up your mind first that you can achieve only then you will be able to achieve what you desire.

Bradley Cooper Diet Plan

Let us now see some diet plan:


  • No intake of artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners
  • No red meat or in a limit
  • No wheat and gluten
  • Only meats which are organic


  • Eat-in two to three hours
  • 20-30 g of protein in every meal
  • Drink lots and lots of water

Cheat day

  • Now, in your workout routine, you can have cheat meals too.
  • Eat high carb once.
  • On the day of intense workout, you can have a high-calorie cheat meal
  • If you have heat diets other than this then on that day you can have an extra 20 minutes HIIT.
Bradley Cooper Fitness Routine and Diet Plan

Bradley Cooper Workout Routine

  • Do intense workouts and keep them short.
  • Don’t pause and keep moving.
  • Cardio or 20 minutes of HIIT if you wish to gain. This is for three times a week.


Back and biceps

  • 15 minutes of cardio for warm-up.
  • Barbell bicep (3 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Barbell row( 3 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Dumbbell row ( 3 sets and 6 reps)
  • Seated Bicep curl ( 3 sets and 6 reps)
  • Lat pulldown ( 3 sets and 8-10 reps)
  • Cable lat ( 3 sets and 8-10 reps)
  • Single-arm pulley biceps ( 3 sets and 8-10 reps)


Chest and triceps

  • 15 minutes of cardio
  • Dumbbell chest press ( 3 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Dumbbell chest flyes ( 6-8 reps)
  • Triceps dumbbell extension (3 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Triceps rope extension ( 4 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Single-arm pulley chest press ( 3 sets and 6 reps)


Abs and core

  • 15 minutes of cardio
  • Abs crunch ( 3 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Oblique crunch ( 3 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Bicycle crunch (4 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • 30-second planks ( 3 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Back extension ( 4 sets and 6-8 reps)


Legs and shoulders

  • 15 minutes of cardio
  • Lateral lunge (3 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Dumbbell squats ( 6-8 reps and 3 sets)
  • Seated leg curl (3 sets and 6-8 curl)
  • Seated leg extension ( 3 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Standing calf press ( 4 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Dumbbell shoulder press ( 4 sets and 6-8 reps)
  • Lateral dumbbell ( 4 sets and 6-8 reps)


  • 7-8 hours of sleep every day
  • Everyday first 5 minutes spent on thanking and being grateful for what you have
  • These give positive hormones and active transformations.


Bradley Cooper is a great personality and you need to take inspiration from him. Go ahead, workout, have a great diet and take optimum rest. Leave the rest on the body.


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